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Indivisible Action Hour (Hosted by Indivisible St. Paul and St. Croix Valley Indivisible) (Copy)

While we can still make *&%$ happen, we're going to! The voting is over, and since not all the results are in yet, we don't yet know the make-up of the new US House and Senate. However, taking action and letting our elected officials know what we want is a continual process! There are important steps that the US Congress can still take before the House and Senate turn over in January 2023 - so we are going to get to work.

Indivisible Saint Paul and St. Croix Valley Indivisible invite you to this special action hour on Tuesday, November 15 at 5:00. We will provide the information and scripts on the most important short-term goals for Congress, to make it easy to call or write to your elected officials while on the Zoom call. You just need to provide your energy and your own beverage. Training and support will be provided. If this is your first time joining our Action Hour, you can join the Zoom call at 4:45pm for a quick orientation on how all this works (but it's not required).

Register here:

October 4

ISP Meet & Greet

January 17

We Choose Us Pro-Democracy Agenda Launch